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  • What is CBD?

    CBD comes from Hemp.Hemp is the female cannabis plant which contains trace amounts of THC,  Unlike THC, CBD is not psychoactive. Which means it does not change the state of mind of the person who uses it. However, it does appear to produce significant changes in the body and has been found to have great  benefits. Most of the CBD used is found in the least processed form of the cannabis plant, known as hemp. Hemp and marijuana come from the same plant, cannabis sativa, but they are very different. Due to the way CBD acts in the body, it has many potential benefits. we advise you to please do your own research to Know how CBD derived from industrial Hemp may help you. 


    Delta-8 THC (or Delta-8-tetrahydrocannabinol) is a naturally occurring chemical compound called a cannabinoid that’s found in small traces in hemp andcannabis(marijuana) plants. Its popularity is on the rise, and you can find it everywhere from boutique weed dispensaries to convenience store shelves.HOW DOES IT COMPARE TO REGULAR MARIJUANA (DELTA-9-THC)?

    Why is there such a growing demand for Delta-8? For starters, its chemical structure is similar to that of its well-known cousin, Delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (Delta-9-THC), the main psychoactive compound found in marijuana. That’s what gets you “high.”


    THCO is a new, powerful cannabinoid (derived from hemp) that can cause psychoactive effects and feelings of euphoria. It has been rumored that THCO is roughly three times more potent than regular THC.

    Some people say that it is the most potent cannabinoid in the world. THCO can be found in various products, including tinctures, capsules, and topical creams. 

    THC is converted to THCO through the process of acetylation, which means it has been subjected to that procedure. When cannabinoids are subject to acetylation, their potency typically increases by a factor of three.

    Whatever the amount, 300% or 3x, there is a general agreement that THCO has roughly three times the potency of THC. There's no scientific evidence to support it, other than animal tests done by the US Army Chemical Corps in the 1970s.


    HHC stands for hexahydrocannabinol. It is a hydrogenated form of THC and can be found naturally in cannabis plants. It has two hydrogen atoms in place of the double bond that’s found in THC, which makes it less prone to oxidation. Not easily oxidizing increases the overall stability of the cannabinoid, which, in turn, results in a longer shelf life for HHC products. 

    Although HHC can be detected in plants, it is only present in small amounts. For this reason, much of what is in HHC products is made synthetically. This is done through the process of hydrogenation, wherein either naturally occurring THC or CBD that has been transformed into THC is saturated with hydrogen atoms. 

    The same process of hydrogenation that is used on CBD extract is how vegetable oils are turned into margarine. The first time HHC was semi-synthetically created in this manner was when chemist Roger Adams hydrogenated Delta-9 THC back in 1944. It was again experimented with in the 1960s and ‘70s, but has not been studied extensively until now. 

  • What is Delta-10 THC?

    Delta-10 is one of the hundreds of THC compounds that’s also close relatives with the longer-known Delta-9, which you would probably know to be the compound that brings about the all-too-familiar cannabis-induced feelings of high and euphoria. With its straight-out-of-a-movie discovery story, Delta-10 THC is highly elusive at the moment, with the compound only being found in trace amounts at most and only after certain processes are carried out. 


    The THCV cannabinoid (tetrahydrocannabivarin) is a relatively abundant yet little-known cannabinoid. It is a compound that potentially provides people with an array of benefits and unique effects. Researchers discovered THCV in 1973, and while it isn’t as popular as CBD or THC, it is an extremely well-studied cannabinoid.

    It is a molecule with C19H26O2 as its chemical formula. This means it contains 19 carbon atoms, 26 hydrogen atoms, and two oxygen atoms. It follows the typical phytocannabinoid behavior of being insoluble in water but very soluble in lipid-based solvents. Structurally, it is similar to the famed intoxicating cannabinoid THC, but we outline a few differences below.


    CBN is a mildly intoxicating compound in marijuana and is unique to the plant. Like the vast majority of cannabis components, CBN is fat-soluble, not water-soluble.

    It has a specific relationship with THC because, unlike other molecules, CBN doesn’t come directly from the marijuana plant. Instead, it forms from the exterior oxidation of THC. In other words, THC converts into CBN during its degradation. When you cut and store cannabis, THC ultimately becomes CBN.

  • What is THCP?

    THCP, which is short for tetrahydrocannabiphorol and scientifically known as (-)-Trans-Δ9-tetrahydrocannabiphorol, is a natural cannabinoid and analog of THC present in varieties of cannabis.

    It’s thought to be 33 times more active at cannabinoid 1 (CB1) receptors than THC, causing an intense and intoxicating euphoric high. 

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